View the recent releases and changes of the platform
0.6.0 - 2020-06-30
Website list is now redesigned to support options to edit your account, view billing and more.
Website list now displays which users have access to the site via avatars
Deploys and overview page added, view last builds and a screenshot of the current build.
Ability to see which of the last builds failed and succeed
Ability to trigger a deploy (in preparation for turning off automatic deploying)
Support for SVGs in the media library system
Ability to view all sales over the past 28 days grouped into last 7 days rolling weeks
Categories system for products implemented
Mass import of products available to admins
Added product SKU field to products
Permissions (API only)
Ability to delete a user from a role, and add them back if deleted
Default roles added on website creation
Permission middleware check ready to be applied across the whole system
Invited users now verified their email once they've created an account
Welcome email send to an invited user
Admin panel added to Merlin
The Ability for admins to load website and users
Admins can now access any site without been added
Ability to link the hosting instance to a website
Braintree added to the Merlin Panel, clients can pay with debit/credit cards or PayPal
Subscription system implemented
The ability for clients to select a package relevant to them and start billing monthly
Address system added to users' account, saved payments methods added as well
Invoicing system added for bespoke billing (with plans to add it to client's checkouts in the future)
PDF generation of invoices added (with client's logo added to the invoice)
Ability to pay for an invoice logged in or out works
Custom database generation for our clients
Remapped schemas for users to work on Merlin and client's websites
Viewing and managing of users now added
The ability for client's visitors to create an account on their website and also login
Account types system added to users
Custom Forms
Moved contact forms and newsletter signups into a generalised system ready for the implementation of custom dynamic forms next month
Fixed multiple issues with uploading to the store
Fixed an issue with not updating when a product is saved or created
Emails are now sent from the client's email to their customer rather than
Custom Forms
Fixed forms not sending an email to client or visitor
404 error handling applied across the whole application correctly
0.5.0 - 2020-05-29
Images now centralised on each repo rather than inline with the relevant markdown file
Support for future multi-file commits
Media library added, view all images in one place
Restructuring of how images work inside of the editor
Compression system added for viewing images on the editor
Editor images previews are now stored on S3 on upload and loaded from S3 (rather than compressing images on image load to avoid server crashing)
Ability to reorder (drag) images in the editor without having to re-upload all images
Permissions (API only)
Started basic permissions system
Ability to create, view and update a role
Create custom user-specific permissions
Ability to get a user's permission
Invite a new user stores permission/role data and builds it once they create an account
Stripe keys are now loaded dynamically from the website object, public available to the client's website
ShipStation integration added
Ability to generate rates for a client's visitor on the fly
Get all orders and view a specific order
Stripe webhook now places an order in ShipStation if ShipStation API keys are present
Product weight and dimensions added, used in generating pricing of shipping via ShipStation
Warehouses and carries available to be pulled in to the panel from ShipStation
A successful order now send an order confirmation email
Facebook Pixel support on client's websites
Endpoint for Facebook Pixel to scrape product data directly to their servers via CSV
Caching added to editor and images endpoints to stop rate limits
Fixed an issue with the editor not working if no pages are added to merlin.config.yml
Allow Street Two field to be optional as it was preventing checkouts for completing
0.4.0 - 2020-04-29
Features system to toggle sidebar navigation added
Deployment system added that checks for deploys every 5 minutes
Settings page added for managing a website
A new websites list added for changing websites
Frontmatter is now loading on markdown files
Recursive loading of values for nested markdown data
Validation system added to the editor
Last edited data added to all files
Navigation system completed, build into sidebar on the loading of the editor
API Key generator added for client's websites to pull product and website data without needed an origin (for Gatsby Node)
Deploy system will upload the server-generated files of a client's website if they change their product data now
Site visitors can now be charged for an order via Stripe
Checkout system added, analytics tracking added
Baskets system added to client's websites
The ability for client's website to pull checkout and product data
Webhook Integration to pull data from Stripe
Settings page added for managing a store
Custom Forms
Ability to join a newsletter from a client's website
Pagination added for contact forms and newsletter submissions
Newsletter and contact forms now support fuzzy searching
Added admin check middleware for loading all websites if an admin is logged in
Check for product images before trying to build URLs
Uploading of store images improved
Better error handling of 404s and "failed to load" errors.
Custom Forms
Origin check added to options request
Removed CSRF checks as it just caused too many issues
0.3.0 - 2020-03-30
Website system now implemented to allows clients to view their own sites
Ability to update website data
Ability to create a new website
Client's favicon now displays with the loaded website
The ability for client's website to pull it's website data from Merlin
Git is now loaded via a client's website object
View all and edit products, pagination support added
Shortname generator to avoid duplicate URLs
Delete products system
Websites (and store) now support currency options
Stock and product limits added
Products images upload to S3, served on CloudFront CDN
Tags added to products
Refresh tokens, auth system now uses JWT with RFC 7519 industry-standard methods.
Custom Forms
CSRF token system implemented
Ability to send contact forms to database
Emails contact form to site owner
Emails visitor a confirmation email
API middleware added on all protected endpoints to keep access correct
Origin checks added on client accessible endpoints
0.2.0 - 2020-02-28 [ALPHA]
Merlin dashboard deployed to production
Editor system for loading client's Git repos
Github authentication and bot for updating a file on a client's behalf
Automated deploying of a client's website
Markdown and frontmatter parser
Ability to view different folders
Ability to login and keep session stored
0.1.0 - 2020-01-27
API setup, domain setup
Account system
Merlin authentication system
Central Mongoose database integration
API Error handling system
Our changelog follows the following format. We use semantic versioning in our changelog.
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Last updated
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